Greg Genz - Vice President
Greg has a 50+-year history of involvement with all aspects of Pool 2, focusing primarily on commercial river interests. Got on his first towboat when he was 12 and never looked back. He is the owner of Kaposia Marine Service, a marine consulting firm serving river-related businesses and local communities. He also owns small truckable towboats that he rents out for marine construction projects. He has been a fixture in the local shipping, transportation and river-related construction industries. Greg is a past member of the Riverfront Planning Committee for the city of South St. Paul, MN and the advisory committee of the National Park Service's site at the Science Museum of MN. Currently a board member of the Upper Mississippi Waterway Association and the Friends of the Minnesota Valley, President and board member of the Red Marine Museum, ad hoc member of the Red Wing Harbor Commission and the Corps of Engineer's River Resource Forum, member of the Citizens Advisory Committee for the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District and the Lower Mississippi Watershed Management Organization.
He enjoys working and recreating on the River in Pool 2.
He enjoys working and recreating on the River in Pool 2.